Excel Reader
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This component reads data from an Excel file and makes it available for further processing in the integration process.
This component can load data from both .xls and .xlsx Excel files. While loading data from the Excel file, the memory footprint can be an issue. The Reader component loads the data into memory and parse the data. If the size of the Excel file is bigger than 10MB, the Reader component tries to load data through streaming instead. Streaming is reading line by line and parsing to the end of the sheet. This streaming can reduce the memory usage of the execution.
This streaming supports .xlsx files because .xlsx is a compressed XML file.
Input File Path
The full path of the input file
Password to read the excel file, if exists.
Sheet Name
Sheet name to load.
If sheet name is empty, all the sheets are loaded.
Header Exists?
Does header row exist?
If yes, the first row is treated as header.
The first row means the first row which have data.
Starting Row
Row number starts from 0.
If starting row is 0 and header exists, the data row starts from the second row(1).
Null Indicator
Null indicator value, if exists.
If the value of a cell is as same as this value, that value is converted to null.
Date Format
If date format is set, the value of date type cell is converted into string with date format.
Excel data
Record count
If SheetName is not specified, the record counts of the all the sheets are created with the name of the sheets as suffix like this.
ExcelResultCount-Sheet1 : 10
ExcelResultCount-Sheet2 : 20
Data structure id for mapping